Let's hope for Christmas!
What is Christmas?
Are God, Father Christmas and Jesus some kind of Superman?
Christmas is a time of hope for the residents of our neighbourhoods, working together to improve their daily lives.
Christmas is a time of hope for children's dreams: dreams of extended families, dreams of shared gardens and towns in bloom, dreams of neighbourhood festivities! (...)
Waiting for the Saviour, In the Saviour's tent,
Let's prepare for Christmas!
What is Christmas?
What was the shepherds' compass on Christmas night?
Christmas is the hope that, like the star, leads young people towards meaningful struggles, even if no one seems to hear them.
Christmas is the hope that is stronger than anger and contempt, that encourages young people to speak out to break down prejudice, to reach out to other young people to put words to the ills and reenchant their lives (...).
Waiting for the Saviour, In the Saviour's Tent,
Sharing Christmas!
What is Christmas?
What is the treasure hidden during Advent that is about to be revealed to us?
Christmas is the hope that spurs men and women to rise up in the name of their dignity, which has been trampled underfoot by decisions taken without their input and which are degrading their living conditions.
Christmas is the hope of a people on the move, strong in its differences, united in its diversity, animated by an infectious faith and humanity. It is the hope that springs from the hearts of grassroots Christian communities: in parishes, in movements, and in all the little shoots of the Gospel that are sprouting in our Church and beyond. (...)
Christmas is about hope offered in open forums, listening to the cries of workers and their families who are brought into contact with the Word of God. It is hope spread through the declarations that accompany those affected by the changes in our society.
Waiting for the Saviour, In the Saviour's tent,
Let's share Christmas!
Dear Lord, May your coming into our lives enable us to overcome our anger and become a people! May your coming into our lives help us to take our rightful place in society and in the world. May your coming into our lives help us to take our full place in society and in the Church! May your coming into our lives help us to see and love others and love others as they are and not as we would like them to be! May your coming into our lives make us witnesses of the hope that you breathe into our lives! |
Message written by the "Mission Ouvrière de France"