7th October, 2021: World Day for Decent Work Message
Unfortunately, the current work goes back even more with the denial of labour rights, the deterioration of democracy, the violation of human rights, the denial of social justice, the rejection of pluralism, the eliminaion of secularism, the promotion of political hatred and the maintance of fundamentalism.
International Labour Organization (ILO) has taken on recently to improve the coverage and the effectiveness of “social protection for everyone” as strategic objective, focussing on income security with the target on the poor. This requires to identify profitable and equitable means by which the social protection can be spread to all groups. And it is necessary to focus on providing social protection to the informal sector. The prospect of “decent work” sums up the aspirations of people on their working life. It implies opportunities of productive job by providing a fair income. It requires security in workplace and social protection for families, through better prospects of personal development and social integration. It requires freedom so that people express their concerns, organise themselves and participate on decisions that affect their lives and the equality of opportunities and treatment for all women and men. In November 2018, ILO said that 31% of Indian workers worked in unhealthy conditions, while aroung 41% are poorly paid, placing India 19th out of 22nd countries of Asian region.
INFOR October 2021: "Review of «three T» campaign: land, housing and work"
Through the articles written by some movements, I would like to highlight the important work done by the forty and nine WMCW movements (affiliated and contacts) around the theme «Land, Housing and Work for a decent life».
This theme has found many echoes in all the continents and has strengthened our mission. We were also encouraged pope Francis’s words that, in the meeting of popular movements on 28th October, 2014, said: «There is a thing that every father, every mother wants for their children; an aspiration that should be at the reach for all, but which unfortunately it escapes it more and more to the most is: the land, the housing and the work. It is strange, but when I say this to some people, they tell that Pope is a communist. They do not understand that love to the poor is at the heart of Gospel. Land, housing and work, for which we fight, are sacred rights. Affirming that it is possible is the Social Doctrine of the Church».
And it is above on the basis of these sacred human rights that this INFOR issue presents testimonies about different ways of action around the right of Land, Housing and Work.
INFOR June 2021: "Telework and Digital Work"
Do telework and digital work contribute really to a greater working freedom?
Not if the labour legislation remains being what it is, if trade unions are still at company doors, if workers are still persecuted by thinking differently, if the normal working day is not reduced, etc. In this context, teleworking from home can only mean more exploitation and greater subjugation of worker –and his family– to work.
In many places, due to the need to confine our professional activity in our living space, teleworking has been seen as a panacea for many evils, among them the difficulty of reconciling working and professional life.
New forces are transforming in the working world. COVID-19 pandemic has social and political consequences: a «virtualisation of human life» and a social control” has been established. The world as we knew was stopped at the beginning of 2020 and the governments, supporting by science, had to implement measures to save lives.
It is true that life goes on, but undoubtedly we have adopted the most unusual way of working of this generation. The challenge for policy makers is how to remain protecting people’s life and health without, at the same time, causing any irreversible damage to the economy.
INFOR February 2022: "Global Inequalities and Unemployment
Describing the reality about the issue «Global inequalities and unemployment» is a great challenge, since the situations around the world are so diverse and varied. Despite the tiredness, the anxiety of tomorrow, the privations, men and women still find energy to involve in the community life, to join social, trade union or political organizations. Driven by a deep faith in humanity, these workers fight together to claim, particularly to governments, rights for a greater justice and social protection.
It is from this reality, around the issue «Global inequalities and unemployment» that activists of WMCW affiliated movements from four continents, testify: