INFOR March 2025: "Informal Work in Caring for Children and the Elderly"
Dear reader friend, You have in your hands this issue of INFOR, which focuses on the care sector. By this we mean all the professions involved in education and healthcare, as well as care for people of all ages, from children to the elderly, often provided at home due to a lack of appropriate facilities. Worldwide, women perform more than three-quarters of unpaid care work, spending an average of 4 hours and 25 minutes per day, compared with 1 hour and 23 minutes for men.
The ILO estimates that 606 million women of working age are outside the labor market́ due to their care and «social reproduction» responsibilities. As the International Labor Organization reminds us in its report «Decent Work and the Care Economy» (112th Session, 2024): «Societies and economies depend on paid́ and unpaid́ care work to function and pursue their human, social and economic development. The provision of care depends on care workers».
Within our movements, we see the same overrepresentation of women in these professions. Through their presence and action, they play a significant role in reducing the isolation of people and in combating individualism.
The ACO de France, in a dossier dedicated to care, reminds us that «these professions correspond to real skills. Let us make sure they are recognized. It is also a question of dignity». The articles in this issue reflect the necessary struggle for rights, the difficulty of having a decent income in retirement without recognition of this unrecognized work. March 8, the International Day of Struggle for Women’s Rights, can be an excellent moment to pause and reflect together, men and women, on this issue, without forgetting that it is a daily commitment, 365 days a year. We are counting on you to help spread the word about our magazine within our various movements.
We look forward to hearing your reactions and reading about the exchanges and actions it has helped to set in motion. It is thanks to you that our daily struggle for «social justice in an economy for life» is written with gender equality in mind.
Christine Isturiz, WMCW Co-president
Message from the WMCW on the Occasion of the Celebration of International Women's Day 2025
Since its inception, International Women's Day has been an opportunity to show the world that no development is possible as long as millions of girls and women continue to suffer discrimination of all kinds, have their fundamental rights trampled underfoot, and endure violence of all kinds. For the WMCW, men and women are created equal by God, have the same mandate to steward creation, and enjoy the same prerogatives and rights. Within this framework, the WMCW will spare no effort in the struggle for "a world in which every woman and girl can exercise her freedoms and choices and know and enjoy all her rights, including the right to live free from violence, the right to education, the right to participate in decision-making and the right to equal pay for equal work". (UN)
On the occasion of the celebration of International Women's Day 2025, the Indian movement urges us, on the basis of its concrete achievements in favor of women's empowerment, to redouble our efforts in our commitment to contribute to the realization of a just and sustainable world.
WMCW Statement on the International Migrants' Day - 2024
The Migration, understood here, as "the movement of people from one place to another to settle in a new place[1]," is a natural phenomenon that has existed since the beginning of time. Nevertheless, the dramatic increase in the number of asylum seekers that the world is experiencing today underscores the catastrophic living conditions of our time. Indeed, "migrants often flee situations of oppression, abuse, insecurity, discrimination, and lack of development prospects”[2].
On International Migrants Day, the member movements of the WMCW reflect on the situation of migrant workers. For this year 2024, our reflections and actions proposed by the LOAC Maurice movement focus on the living and working conditions of migrants on the island.
A group of migrant workers takes part in the May 1, 2024 demonstration in the streets of Paris
Republic of Mauritius is a settlement country with its diverse population from Europe, Africa, Madagascar, Asia and China. Mauritians carry with them a history of colonialism, slavery and indentured servitude[3]. The country was built on migration and this phenomenon continues to this day, in various forms...
It is challenging to determine the exact number of migrants in Mauritius! This is because temporary or long-term settlement in the country is managed by different entities without any real coordination: the Ministry of Labor, the Ministry of Education, the Board of Investment, the Prime Minister's Office and more. Furthermore, when it comes to this migratory phenomenon, the common language speaks volumes: "expatriates" for those from developed countries and "migrants" for those from Third World countries...
- INFOR October 2024: "Our Fight against an Inhuman Policy"
- Message from the World Movement of Christian Workers (WMCW) on the World Day for Decent Work 2024
- WMCW International Council Meeting 2024
- INFOR July 2024: "Health and Security at Work"
- WMCW participation in the 112th Session of the International Labour Conference - June 2024