Gathered to discuss and renew our commitment to bringing the Gospel closer to the world of work, we have completed the work of the International Seminar and the General Assembly – WMCW - on the theme "Land, Housing and Work for a decent life". This seminar was held in Avila, Spain, from 15 to 21 July 2017, and has brought together 120 delegates from 42 movements of Christian workers from Africa, America, Asia and Europe.
During these days, we have lived together in a caring and fraternal way. We were welcomed by the city, its diocese, its mass media and for that we are very grateful. During our meeting, we were able to welcome among us the main leaders of the Church and the trade union representatives of Spain, who encouraged us to continue building bridges between the world of the Church and the world of work.
We thank God for 50 years of Christian presence in the world of work and for this journey alongside so many working brothers, sharing their doubts and hopes, their joys and their sorrows.
We feel supported by Pope Francis in our task of evangelization. In his message to our Assembly, through the Bishop of Avila, the Pope invites us to « bring the Gospel closer to the world of work, so that the voice of workers continues to resonate within the Church; and to lead the struggle so that the whole world can live in dignity, with no one excluded from it. »
From our perspective of believers, we have shared our experience and our presence in the different realities of the movements that make up the WMCW. The International Labour Organization (ILO), the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) and the Popular Movement of Forgotten Neighbourhoods shared their experience with us. We have deepened the teaching of Pope Francis on pastoral work, the economy of rejection and decent work.
Here comes another celebration on 1st May. We are encouraged to reflect on the history of the working class. We want decent work, a fairer society and a more equal economy, that enable us to live in dignity.
We carry out this struggle on a daily basis, whether the sun is shining or the rain is pouring. We finish late in the evening and start early in the morning, to work or to look for a job. Through this action to support oneself or a family, we realise that we are not alone. There are dozens, hundreds, thousands, millions of people who, like us, after drinking a coffee or a glass of water, struggle for a fair salary, so that all workers’ dignity is respected in this world with so many inequalities. One cannot but wonder: why VERY FEW people have a lot whereas MANY have so little, my God, isn’t the wealth of this planet intended to all!
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This will be possible if we fight for social protection, which reaches all workers, especially the poorest.
What makes the dignity of every human being is the right to work, a roof, land, clean water, food, safety, Education, Health, Liberty ...
As Church Movement, Jesus Christ sends us to announce and carry this Good News to all nations
Lord, you entrust us the earth "Be fruitful, multiply, and fill the earth and subdue it" (Genesis 1:28). You have placed man in the centre of creation and you have entrusted him this world according your heart: a world in which to live, a world where mercy, kindness prevail over violence, a fraternal, solidary world where the weak and the youngest are respected and loved.
Around 150 people from more than 65 countries find again in Rome. We were summoned by the "sacred rights" of Land, Lodging and Labour (the 3L), which are still violently violated throughout the planet. Again the cry of popular movements that another world is possible, that it is possible to be better people.
The International Council of the World Movement of Christian Workers (WMCW) and the Coordinating Group of the European Christian Workers Movement (ECWM) meet in Avila, before the General Congress to be held in Spain next July.